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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

U.S. women’s national squad reaches cope with USA Hockey

The dispute over truthful wages and evenhanded treatment lasted but period of time:

The two-week adventure story between USA Hockey and therefore the U.S. women’s
national team has come back to a tentative finish. On Tuesday, the edges legal a deal that would provide the women’s team a replacement contract and would permit it to play within the future World Championships.The news, that was 1st picked up late Tuesday morning, unconcealed that the U.S. women’s team had however to vote on the deal,but that there was “great optimism” they’d reach a conclusion.Negotiations stalled throughout the day, however Kevin Allen of USA Todayconfirmed Tuesday evening that the edges reached a deal.

Though the money details of the deal haven't been created public, the agreement will establish a bunch to administrate USA Hockey’s efforts with women’s hockey.The agreement includes the formation of a Women's High Performance consultive cluster of former and current players from the U.S. Women's National Team program, together with volunteer and workers leadership, to fulfill frequently to help USA Hockey in efforts to advance girls' and women's hockey altogether areas, as well as programming, marketing, promotion and fundraising. that's additionally to the main focus on the grassroots hockey areas that volunteers of USA Hockey's Girls' and Women's Section are committed for pretty much thirty years.

Canada’s national women’s squad additionally encompasses a similar coalition.

USA hockey and members of the women’s national team had been meeting in metropolis over the course of those last period of time. Since, USA Hockey had reached dead set players within the National Women’s conference and members of the under-18 groups as they looked to field a competitive team for the globe Championships.

With the new deal in situ, the women’s national team can skate within the 2017 IIHF Women’s World Hockey Championships slated for March thirty one in Plymouth, Mich.This news comes simply some days aloof from the potential men’s national team boycott of its World Championships in could. us senators even came to the defense of the women’s national team, with Elizabeth Warren among alternative democratic officers composition a letter to USA Hockey in support of its efforts for "appropriate compensation."

USA Hockey was clearly pushed to the brink these previous couple of weeks. whereas it resolved this way, an outsized motivating think about finishing this deal on Tuesday was possible to avoid wasting face at the globe Championships. whereas USA Hockey
 deserves credit for finally swing a foot within the right direction, the ladies shouldn't have had to boycott for evenhanded treatment within the 1st place.

The 2017 IIHF Women’s World Hockey Championships run from March thirty one to Gregorian calendar month seven, with the us enjoying North American country on Friday.

Friday, June 16, 2017

USA Trump keeps a campaign promise — Hi is worst one

Oh no!
President Trump has shown a great willingness during his short tenure to reverse himself on things he promised to do when he was Candidate Trump. His health care plan was going to “cover everyone.” He wasn’t going to touch Medicaid, etc.

But, as you have no doubt heard by now, he has decided to keep one of his worst promises, or maybe his worst promise, the promise to pull the United States out of the Paris Accords on climate change. The accords signed by nearly 200 countries in 2015, was created to try to save the earth’s climate so future generations can – what can I say? – have a planet on which they can live.

If he follows through on this, the United States will join just two other countries in the world that had declined to sign the agreement – Syria (which maybe has its hand full with
the civil war and all) and Nicaragua, which complained that the Paris agreement wasn’t strong enough.By the way, there seems to be roughly no disagreement over whether Trump has the power to do this under U.S. law.
It was not a treaty, ratified by the Senate. It’s a non-binding agreement in which each of signatories committed his or her country to take certain actions – actions chosen by the country itself – to help the world achieve some overall goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in hopes of forestalling a potentially cataclysmic decline in the ability of Planet Earth to support life.In 2012, Trump tweeted that global warming was a hoax, perpetrated by China. He later said that he never said that,
but here’s the tweet.He doesn’t always tell the truth about these things. On other occasions, he has said that the “Chinese hoax” remark was a joke. Ha ha.If you find this kind of thing amusing, Newsweek has compiled the dizzying back and forth he had with himself about global warming.

States was not yet committed (although Pres. Barack Obama was clearly on a path to signing the accord) and which had not yet been signed by enough countries to take effect.The North Dakota quote was: “We’re going to cancel the Paris Climate Agreement.” If you care about words, as certain occupants of the Oval Office do not,Mr. Trump cannot “cancel the Paris Agreement.” Most of the countries of the world have signed onto the accord and remain committed to fulfilling the obligations
they have undertaken. But he can withdraw the United States from it and there is no mechanism for the rest of the world to punish him or us for doing so.

Most of the countries of the world have signed onto the accord and remain committed to fulfilling the obligations they have undertaken. But he can withdraw the United States from it and there is no mechanism for the rest of the world to punish him or us for doing so.

Obama signed the accord on behalf the United States on Sept. 3, 2016. Enough countries signed in the ensuing two months for the agreement take effect on Nov. 4, 2016. Mr. Trump was elected on Nov. 8, 2016. He allowed some suspense to build even until yesterday about whether he would follow through on his pledge to “cancel,” then yesterday he announced that he would.

Trump is doing pretty badly so far at legislating, but, as president, he can cancel U.S. participation. What an Obama signature can get us into, a Trump signature can get us out of. And, theoretically, the next president could get us back in.In announcing his decision yesterday in the White House Rose Garden (ironically the place Obama announced the agreement calling it “a turning point for our planet”).

Trump talked relatively little about global warming and far more about economic issues and efforts by others to steal American jobs. For example, he said:“China will be allowed to build hundreds of additional coal plants. So, we can't build the plants, but they can, according to this agreement. India will be allowed to double its coal production by 2020. Think of it. India can double their coal production. We're supposed to get rid of ours. Even Europe is allowed to continue construction of coal plants.

In short, the agreement doesn't eliminate coal jobs. It just transfers those jobs out of America and the United States and ships them to foreign countries.This agreement is less about the climate and more about other countries gaining a financial advantage over the United States.”Trump argued that Obama had signed what amounts to a raw deal for U.S. workers, a deal that will lead to the elimination of too many jobs in coal mining and related industries, a deal that requires the U.S. to pay a “vast fortune” into a kitty to share the cost of implementation.

The word “deal” appeared in his remarks 13 times. He likes that word. He talked much less about the threat that global warming might pose to life on earth.As far as the “vast fortune” bit: The Washington Post’s annotated transcript of Trump’s remarks says “this is nowhere near a “vast fortune.” The U.S. gave this climate change bank account $1 billion for the first year. The U.S. is expected to bring in $3.5 trillion in revenue in fiscal 2018. There are one thousand billions in a trillion.

The Paris agreement does indeed try to pressure rich countries to pay more to reduce carbon emissions, and imposes tougher goals on advanced countries to reduce their emissions more quickly. If the purpose of the deal is to make money, it’s a raw deal for America and the other rich countries of the world (but they are all staying in).

If the purpose of the deal is to organize virtually all the world’s nations around a plan to avert a planet-threatening apocalypse, then it might be necessary for the wealthy nations to pay more and do more to replace dirty energy sources with cleaner ones.

In his remarks yesterday, Trump relied heavily on numbers from a particular study, which the Post called “the estimations from an industry analyst that was founded by a conservative economist, and a report that environmentalists say is not neutral.”

Trump held out hope that a way can be found to get the United States back into the program: “We're getting out,” he said, “but we will start to negotiate, and we will see if we can make a deal that's fair.”

To date, Trump has not been able to explain how this negotiation will occur, or even with whom he would negotiate. The way the accord evolved, each nation was given the flexibility to come up with ways of reducing carbon emissions, and set their goals for doing so. There is no enforcement mechanism for countries that fail to meet their goals.

They say that if you’re a hammer everything looks like a nail. If you’re Trump, everything looks like a subject for a tough negotiator. But perhaps, just perhaps, not everything is.

Yesterday, the leaders of France, Germany and Italy said that they were unwilling to negotiate with Trump about this, and Todd Stern, the Special Envoy on Climate Change during the Obama administration, told the British newspaper The Independent that since each nation voluntarily set its
own targets for reducing carbon emissions and "The US has the ability to change its own targets."

In his remarks yesterday, Trump started the negotiations anyway. Trump used China as the case study of a nation that is getting too much benefit, paying too little and being allowed to keep polluting for too long, especially compared to the United States. I can’t check all his assertions, but I’m sure there’s some truth to it. It goes back to what I said above about whether this is an effort to save the earth or to make money.

Writing for the New Yorker, environmental expert Elizabeth Kolbert notes that China is indeed the current biggest emitter of carbon, followed by — guess who — the United States. But, because the United States is many decades, maybe even a century ahead in emitting industrial waste (because
we’ve been an industrial powerhouse so much longer), Kolbert wrote that “on an aggregate basis [the U.S.] is responsible for more of the excess CO2 in the atmosphere than any other country. When Barack Obama helped forge the Paris accord, he was trying to make up for decades of American inaction. Trump has now nullified that effort. The just result would be that it is the U.S. economy that ends up suffering.”

After Trump spoke, several of the Associate in Nursingalysts I detected emphasised that Trump’s approach appears to be a continuation of his campaign or an early begin on ensuing campaign.
Trump fairly blatantly spoke concerning 3 states that were progressing to profit, job-wise, from his new approach – Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio –three of the four swing states that won him the presidency. same Trump:

“It's time to pursue a new deal that protects the environment, our companies, our citizens, and our country. It is time to put Youngstown, Ohio, Detroit, Michigan, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, along with many, many other locations within our great country before Paris, France.
It is time to make America great again.”And, what admirers of the speech thought was the best line:
“I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”Vice President Mike Pence, who had the honor introducing boss, said:

“Our president is choosing to put American jobs and the American people first.”
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, in a TV interview after Trump’s appearance, reinforced Trump’s argument that this was all about jobs and money and getting even with other world players who were able to pick Obama’s pocket. Said Ross:

“Any time people are taking money out of your pocket, and you make them put it back in, they’re’ not going to like it. And that’s what this isThis was not really about climate. It was about money.”
And Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt, addressing Trump: “Your decision today to exit the Paris Accords reflects your unflinching commitment to put America first.”

My favorite fact-checking outfit, elucidated a few shortcoming in the factual accuracy of Mr. Trump’s presentation.Lastly, and then I swear I’ll stop, if you need a laugh, The New Yorker's Andy Borowitz translates Trump’s presentation as an attack on the earth,
 for being a “loser,” and vows to make a deal with a better planet.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Indian Bad news for farmers: GST to extend value of tractor production

Tractor costs might go up by around Rs twenty five,000 when the products and services tax is obligatory as a result of the gap between input and output taxes is wide. 
In a recent meeting, the GST Council self-addressed the difficulty of the inverted duty structure in numerous industries,together with the tractor trade. Subject to a twenty eight per cent duty on parts against twelve per cent on tractors,makers would have featured Associate in Nursing accumulation of credit. The council reduced the GST rate on clearly identifiable 
tractor parts from twenty eight per cent to twelve per cent. 

However, TR Kesavan, chairman of the technical committee and immediate past president of the Tractor Manufacturers’ 
Association (TMA), aforesaid the relief was marginal and input prices per tractor would rise 
by Rs 25,000 The industry’s capital would even be squeezed by Rs one,600 crore, he added. 

The revision of the GST rate was restricted to token parts whereas engines, transmission and different components would continue to face the twenty eight per cent duty, he said. The TMA has sought-after a modification in part duties from twenty eight per cent to eighteen per cent.

Mallika Srinivasan, president and chief military officer of Tractors and Farm instrumentality restricted (TAFE), said,“Unfortunately this (the GST) has solely been partly extended and therefore the increase in input value stands at Rs twenty five,000.” 

She urged the govt. to scale back the duty on all parts that enter the manufacture of tractors. 
“This would be required to make sure that the farming community doesn't suffer,” she additional.

Ravi Menon, chief military officer of Escorts, aforesaid tractor manufacturers may not be ready to die the upper prices to customers as a result of the anti-profiteering clause. Tractor manufacturers generally hike costs by Rs three,000-4,000 once a year. 
Transitional provisions for stocks control at dealerships have conjointly not been extended to the tractor trade as a result of tractors were within the exempted class until currently. The trade holds over one hundred fifty,000 tractors in depots and dealerships, and denial of this
relief can have an effect on the farming community, in keeping with the TMA.

28% duty on parts
12% duty on tractors
Industry says tractor costs would rise by Rs twenty five,000
The council reduced rate solely on clearly identifiable tractor parts from twenty eighth to twelve-tone system
The industry's capital would even be squeezed by Rs one,600 cr, trade body says
Tractor manufacturers generally hike costs by Rs three,000-4,000 once a year
Rise in worth to impact the farmers, says TMA

Monday, June 12, 2017

Practicing Yoga will offer you Glowing Skin

Yoga is one in all the well-known ancient practices permanently health,
and the oldest philosophies of Ayurveda, whose primary concern is that the well being of a personal.
due to its holistic approach to healing and well-being aspects, Yoga is thought to be helpful in a very
day to day routine and may greatly aid in womb-to-tomb pursuit of beauty.

Everyone needs a glowing bright skin and folks inevitably begin discussing concerning their trustworthy varyof cosmetic merchandise like cleansers, moisturizers and facial masks for fast and easy thanks to look great however they very don't would like harsh chemical or valuable beauty treatments to appear lovely.
Those who frequently apply yoga will add a permanent glow to their faces that comes from inside and radiates outward.Yoga additionally helps to achieve ideal weight and offers a proportionate body by removing excess weight and unwanted fat from all body organs.

It improves blood circulation and helps to get rid of toxins from the body that helps to appear younger,bright and delightful naturally, says beauty knowledgeable Shahnaz Husain. "You don't ought to change state'll be able to acquire it. physiological condition and wonder square measure 2 sides of constant coin. Unless you're healthy from the within, you can not mirror true beauty. Yoga is incredibly relevant to our trendy style, in terms of each health and wonder," she adds. one in all the asanas that's necessary for lovely skin and hair is Pranayam, because it helps to scale back stress, increase activity and improve blood circulation. Pranayama is one in all the simplest exercises of correct respiration. Devoting many minutes on a daily basis permits United States of America the means that of natural cleansing of the system.

These exercises square measure currently being followed worldwide. shut one anterior naris with the fingers.Then inhale through the opposite anterior naris. The air ought to be indrawn in brief sniffs.
Then shut the second anterior naris and suspire. inhale once more through the opposite anterior naris and suspire constant manner.Alternate it up to 10 times. This not solely purifies the blood stream, however cleansers the whole filtering system.Yoga improves blood circulation, as well as the circulation of blood to the skin surface.this can be thus necessary for the nice health of the skin because it helps to produce essential nutrients to the skin.

It additionally promotes the removal of poisons. constant goes for the hair. Yoga helps to market blood circulation and activity to the scalp and hair follicles. This helps to produce nutrients within the blood stream to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and keeps the scalp healthy. once we speak beauty, we have a tendency to don't speak solely concerning the sweetness of the face. It additionally includes the figure - with suppleness, smart posture and beauty

A slim figure will take years off and cause you to look well pomaded. several beauty issues square measure triggered off by stress.
Since yoga helps to induce relaxation and scale back stress, it aids in handling stress-related conditions like skin disorder,
hair loss, dandruff, etc. Studies conducted on those that apply yoga have shown that positive
changes additionally occur within the temperament, in attitudes, emotional stability and sureness.
it's an immediate result on the mind, emotions and mood. In fact, yoga could be a regular stress-buster and puts the glow back on your skin. "Feeling smart can cause you to look smart too!" stresses Shahnaz Husain. As we have a tendency to all apprehend, yoga deals with physical exercises, referred to as 'Asanas,' that entails the forward of well outlined poses,
with precise results. Yoga helps in handling beauty issues that square measure triggered by stress, like acne.
Asanas for skin disorder facilitate to scale back stress and additionally keep the system flushed, obtaining obviate toxins and waste.

------By Health News -----

Friday, June 9, 2017

Brazil 3-0 Paraguay: Philippe Coutinho and Neymar book tourney spot

Philippe Coutinho and Neymar scored as Brazil qualified for the 2018 tourney in Russia with a dominant 3-0 persuade Republic of Paraguay on Tues.Liverpool's Coutinho, World Health Organization was owing to fly back on a personal jet when the sport with Roberto Firmino previous the Merseyside lid, opened the marking within the thirty fourth minute.Neymar capped associate eventful evening with a goal within the last half before Marcelo intercalary a late third.

Barcelona forward Neymar, captaining the aspect, lost a penalty and saw an attempt chalked off for offsides on a night once he was habitually on the tip of rough treatment from the Republic of Paraguay defenders.
Their tenth win of the qualifying campaign sees Brazil become the primary country to qualify for the 2018 tourney.
Paraguay, meanwhile, realize themselves 5 points off the highest four with solely four games remaining when being inferior in Sao Paolo.Paulinho headed over from a Neymar free-kick when six minutes and once the latter tried his luck from thirty yards at another set-piece Mark Antony timber created a routine save.

A rare foray forward from the guests resulted in Derlis Gonzalez finding himself clean through however he dragged a tame effort wide.
At the opposite finish another Neymar free-kick was crushed away by timber before the goalkeeper unbroken out Marquinhos' header from Miranda's cross.

The breakthrough came when thirty four minutes once Coutinho finished a flowing Brazil move by enjoying a one-two with Neymar and firing home from twenty yards.Neymar sliced a half-volley wide from the sting of the box when half-time and so moments later pushed Coutinho's low cross wide at the rear post with the goal at his mercy, colliding with the frame of the goal in doing therefore.
The 25-year-old won a 51st-minute penalty once he was scythed down by Rodrigo Rojas, however saw his effort saved by timber diving to his right.Neymar's goal finally came when sixty four minutes once he stone-broke from the halfway line, beat 2 defenders within the box, and saw his shot deflect past the wrong-footed timber.

He thought he had a second eight minutes later when a clearance deflected to him and he cut from the left to twist a end into the way post, however when consulting along with his assistant the referee properly dominated the ball had return off a Brazil player with the forward in associate off-side position.Fagner shot straight at timber once one-on-one with the keeper however Marcelo dinked in a very late third.

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